The region surrounding the town of Knezha is significantly different from the other towns. It is a kind of climate island in the Danube plain, which consists from sharp and cold winters with sharp winds, specifically windy spring seasons and especially hot summer. The winds are primarily comming from southeast and southwest.
The average temperature for Knezha is relatively chilly /10,5 degrees Celsius/ and a large yearly average amplitude /26.2 degrees Celsius/. The absolute max temperature was measured on the 20th of July 1945 - 42.7 degrees Celsius, and the absolute min - on 24.01.1942 with the astonishing -35 degrees Celsius.
In spring, sun exposure increases vastly, which leads to quick warming of the weather. Summer sun exposure is at its peak in July and August and temperatures reach its hottest points for the year.
The highest precipitation peak is in June.
In autumn, sun exposure quickly decreases, while precipitation chance increases vastly, reaching its second high peak in October.
Sun exposure is minimal in winter months /with about 2 hours less/, which leads to negative average monthly temperatures.
In summary, the local factors influence the climate in a specific way, forming a 'climate island' with clear continental climate and sharp season change. This is the reason for the temperature inversions due to the hollow relief of the region.